Institute for Responsible Citizenship

Hutchison Invests

Investing in Social Change Makers

List of 1 items.

  • Economics and Entrepreneurship Meet for Greater Good

List of 1 items.


    Hutchison Invests equips girls with the foundation they need to build, lead, and navigate the world of entrepreneurship successfully. Focused on creative entrepreneurship, micro and macro economics, responsible investments, and the civic role of business and finance, this program explores the impact of positive social change in the business world. Girls will be given the space to discover their own ability to create value and contribute to the world as they solve problems that are real and matter to them. Having gone through this process, we want our girls to feel more empowered, inspired, supported and willing to take calculated risks.

Opportunities to Turn Ideas Into Action

List of 4 items.

  • Entrepreneurship Class

    Learn how to identify and solve real and urgent problems that local businesses and entrepreneurs face by being immersed in a three-week cycle to design evidence-based solutions for the problem.  The three-week cycle will be repeated as girls solve 2-3 different startup problems throughout the semester. Businesses and problems are selected so that the work is increasingly challenging and that the breadth and depth of learning terrain that touches all nine segments of the business model canvas is covered. This class is team-based and competitive and teaches critical thinking, analytical, and creative problem-solving skills that encompass science, technology, engineering, and math through hands-on educational challenges. Students also run and operate the Holiday House Market which is an all-girls market that features budding upper school entrepreneurs who sell their products and services to Hutchison families, faculty, and staff.
  • Financial Literacy

    Students gain an understanding of real-world situations through financial literacy seminars. Topics include credit cards, budgeting, the importance of saving, taxes, and insurance.
  • Philanthropic Literacy

    Through the Philanthropic Literacy Board, upper school girls build and manage an endowment fund in partnership with the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis and then determine how to distribute grants to Memphis-area nonprofits. Participating on the board, girls learn about the formidable responsibilities that come with how and why particular projects and organizations receive funding. The student-run board solicits requests for proposals, evaluates applicants, and manages the grants once they are awarded.
  • Beeline Bazaar

    One longstanding entrepreneurial tradition at Hutchison is the annual student-run Beeline Bazaar. Each year, the junior class enlists vendors for the event, manages and negotiates contracts, markets the event, and balances the budget. Proceeds from the bazaar directly impact the community through the Hutchison Community Service Endowment Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis.

    Learn more


List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Nicholas Simpson

    Nick Simpson 

    Director of the Institute for Responsible Citizenship
  • Photo of India Brown

    India Brown 

    Institute for Responsible Citizenship Coordinator