Campus Amenities

Technology in the Classroom

List of 1 items.

  • Understanding the Potential of New Technologies

Technology is one of many tools we use to prepare girls for the future. With campus wide Wi-Fi, technology is integrated in all aspects of teaching, learning and communicating.

Hutchison was one of the first schools in the area to adopt a school wide laptop program. Now in its eleventh year, Hutchison’s One-to-One Laptop Program is available in lower, middle, and upper school. Every girl in lower school has her own Chromebook and beginning in fifth grade, girls are assigned a laptop they can take home. In early childhood, all classrooms have iPads.

Laptops are an important part of our academic program. Across all grade levels, technology is used to extend and enhance the curriculum. Emphasis is placed on teaching necessary technical skills while encouraging an understanding of the possibilities of computers and current technologies. This exposure to technology provides girls one of the most important skills in the technology age: learning to learn new technologies.

Innovation Labs: Sharing Information and Building New Knowledge

Two innovation labs are unique environments where girls can work individually or collaboratively to think in new and exciting ways. Staffed by experienced educators trained in technology innovation, the labs are prime examples of how technology is used to extend the curriculum, whether girls are further testing some principles learned in physics or using the 3D printer to re-create an invention discussed in social studies. The innovation labs include: furniture on wheels that creates a fluid space that adapts to the needs of the girls, tables or walls that are painted with IdeaPaint to facilitate creativity and idea sharing, tinkering stations, sewing machines, 3D printers, Arduinos, Hummingbirds Kits, and LittleBits for creating prototypes.

Our technology resources include the following:

  • Lenovo tablets for all middle and upper school girls
  • Acer Chromebooks for all lower school girls
  • iPads for each early childhood classroom
  • SMARTboards in all early childhood and lower school classrooms
  • Mounted wireless projectors in all middle and upper school classrooms
  • Document cameras in all lower school classrooms
  • A secure technology infrastructure with a high-speed Internet Connection, campus wide Wi-Fi, enterprise firewall protection, web filtering, anti-virus software, and centrally managed system controls.
  • A Technology Team to support students and teachers at all grade levels